Strengthen and Cleanse in Spring

Nature; muse, companion, apothecary and compass!

The past few days have been glorious; full of new scents and the sight of little yellow budding flowers. What a promising start to Spring.
The primroses are out, so delicate and bright and the daffodils are rising up, opening too.

Have you noticed the small buds appearing on the trees?
Have you noticed how it makes your body feel and your emotions change?
Next time you are outside and notice the little flowers offering themselves with such grace and promise, breath it all in. Allow yourself a moment to connect and take in that extra depth of feeling. Notice how the power of the flowers affect you.

Spring seems full of hope and potential yet with a very profound air of innocence. I think these are elements we could all do with opening our hearts to after such a long season of inner winter and the grief so many have endured.
There is hope on the horizon now. You can see it, smell it and feel it. Yang energy from mother earth is rising up, the rays of sunlight are lasting longer and getting warmer.
To me, it feels like such a reassuring time of year.

This is the beginning of the new year!

Do you recall me saying in a previous newsletter that "New Year" isn't the time to make resolutions because the energy in our environment isn't supporting us? Well, this is the time!

So, let’s begin with our body. Being mindful of what we put in our body is a way of connecting to the energy of food, seasons and life force. And if we are putting cleansing food into us then it impacts directly on our brain and body functions.
This is a time to cleanse our bodies as we wake up from the wintertime!

Try creating cleansing drinks for the morning. I love smoothies with celery, banana or avocado, and frozen dark fruits. Let the boiled water in the kettle defrost the frozen fruits and allow a little warmth into this morning drink. Not hot, just lukewarm.

Certain drinks support our liver waking up from the wintertime. Now is the time to begin gently flushing the system.

CLEAVERS is my favourite plant to do this. Albeit they're still young at this stage and not quite ready to be picked, take a look at this recipe for when you do start seeing them about on your walks.


Cleavers is also known as Bear's medicine as it literally wakes us up from our winter slow sleepy slumbers.

  • Pop in a bottle until its full but not squashed

  • cover with water

  • leave it in the fridge overnight.

  • add to smoothies or drink on its own

The taste is similar to cucumber water and extremely refreshing and revitalising! (Remember to pick away from main roads and not close to the ground where dogs might have been.)

Foraging for seasonal plants is the best way to align with the energies of the season. Nature gives us what we most need at exactly the right time of year!

Cleavers is a Kidney tonic and a herbal powerhouse that supports the lymphatic system be stimulated. The lymph helps remove toxins and waste products from the bloodstream and also maintain the immune system. By taking herbs like cleavers, we can help support the lymph system’s natural detoxification of the body to get you back in the flow.

Plus we have the promise of reconnecting to each other again as lockdown eases come April.

So remember to let nature be your guide and inspiration, and if you need any kind of reassurance that new life is coming, simply look our your window or walk out in the landscape. Wherever you are, nature is too.

Much Love for now,

Charlotte Jane xx

Art by Mila Akopova
