Where does my inspiration come from?
We are the most amazing experience machines. Noticing feelings arising from sight, sound, touch or sensation; these spark my imagination. The lyrics in a song or words from my own poetry find their way into a kind of visual dreaming. The answers to the question, of what inspires me, are potentially never ending! An invitation to converse with life, as it unfolds, clogs up then ebbs and flows! What inspires me today maybe different tomorrow.
Yūgen - A deep awareness of the universe that triggers an emotional response too deep and powerful for words.
Forever blowing bubbles. Inspiration is everywhere; on this particular occasion, on the banks of the river Thames, outside Tate Modern.
I took a few photographs of the bubbles on that day, deposited now in my inspiration bank. Like many other every day things, my creativity is continually triggered by them. Small things of beauty, hardly noticeable at all, or something huge, like a full harvest moon rising into the young night! I've stopped in my tracks to pick up a patterned feather or glimpsed a skeletal leaf hanging precariously from the hedgerow; these things are collected in the form of photographs or actual objects that I carry back to my studio. They are tranklements to display for study and reference at various stages of creativity.
Slowing down for moments here and there, to take in deeper that which we are a part of, nourishes us and nurtures soul. To notice a flower or to see the structure in a petal, are the hidden pearls that string the necklaces of my visual diaries together. Nature is one of the most inspiring things for me. She has so much to offer!