Let love be the guide

It all begins with acceptance. Once we simply and honestly accept ourselves, we actually begin to love ourselves more deeply. It doesn’t mean you don’t want to grow and change or get better at things, it means you acknowledge and simply open up fully to who and how you are in this moment.

We so often resist who we are, in our culture driven by ideas of perfection and internalised patriarchal competitive minds states but as Jung said whats resists persists! We have a choice to love ourselves and be free in our expressions, playful, present and happy in our lives!

The very act of accepting oneself softens the egoic driven head chatter, into letting go of what it thinks it wants, which allows the heart to open , like a delicate flower.

It is the most powerful thing to do in relationship with self and in relationship with others. Once we can practice on ourselves, we begin to be able to love others more too. So the expansion of self-love ripples into other peoples lives too, deepening relationships and encouraging authenticity, intimacy and better relationships all around.

Aristotle said “All friendly feelings for others are an extension of woman’s feelings for herself” (Well he said man but I’m using artists license here!)

With an open and loving heart we can breath life into resolutions, but we must begin with compassion and love for self, ones worth, one’s inner values and gifts. February is the right time of year, the little blink before Spring when we align energetically with the natural world and can plant our seeds, resolutions, hopes and dreams for the future.

Committing to a self-care practice, be it yoga, meditation, creative expression, walking or anything that brings you closer to joy and infinity - the timeless space one goes when they’re having fun, then do that! There are so many ways to self care. Here are a few - just in case you need reminding:

  • Take time when you need to recharge, be alone and rest

  • Go to bed early at least one night a week, with a nice book or audio

  • Head out for a walk in nature on your own - listen to the wind in the trees and the bird song and chatter

  • Say “no” when you don’t want to do something, see someone, speak to someone. It is absolutely ok not to agree to everything!

  • Make a delicious and nutritious meal with fresh vegetables and all the colours of the rainbow. Making food is a wonderful relaxing body practice if done mindfully

  • Get up extra early to sit and meditate

  • Treat yourself to more kind thoughts. Begin to notice when you are putting yourself down or overstressing and learn to be your own best friend. Your inner voice can be your ally!

  • Do to yourself what you would do for others as an act of loving kindness

  • If you are doing most of the cleaning, cooking and chores, decide how you want to delegate in a way that serves you, so things are shared and not a burden.

  • Take a deep breath now, and another and another! Say to yourself “Thank you Me, for being Me, I love you, Me” and smile.

Enjoy this special month of love and if you want to be part of a virtual circle that gathers once a month then I invite you join the mailing list for my women circle. The next one is Friday 12th at 7.30pm and you can book your ticket through here at Central Wellness

Charlotte Jane Kessler