Filtering by: In Person Circles

Postponed at Central Wellness
7:00 pm19:00

Postponed at Central Wellness

A welcoming circle for individual and collective homecoming and connection.

The benefits of a ‘soft’ ritual focus and bespoke meditations are simultaneously expansive and grounding. Gathering in circle increases our level of oxytocin hormone and benefits the whole nervous system to bring a more restorative balance to your body, spirit and mind.

Weaving the web

I work intuitively with themes that invite a deepening and softening into the feminine form, sharing practices that support self care, self compassion and spiritual expansion. My circles let you withdraw from the business of doing and get in touch with the timeless.

The ancestral feminine

The Gynecaea refers to early Flemish meaning for Women’s Place, where women wove into all time and space, their words, healing and intentions. This circle is held within the spirit of ancestral feminine wisdom and nature intelligence embroidered into the folds of each gathering.

All are welcome regardless of religious or sexual orientation and for women of all ages and if you identify as a woman.

This 2 hour circle contains meditations, relaxation, a sharing time with herbal tea.

What to bring on the night

Please bring your own yoga mat and blanket and what ever you feel you need to be comfortable at the centre.

There will be a beautiful seasonal central alter to hold our intentions, gratitude, grief, prayers, objects, rocks, crystal and feathers, anything you wish to remember and honour.

You are welcome to bring something for the alter, such as a: flower, stone, something of gratitude, a prayer, an intention, a shell, or photograph.

How to book

Tickets are purchased directly from Central Wellness booking system and numbers are currenlty limited to a circle of 9 women.

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Event is Postponed - Women's Wellness Circle at Central Wellness
7:00 pm19:00

Event is Postponed - Women's Wellness Circle at Central Wellness

A welcoming circle for individual and collective homecoming and connection.

The benefits of a ‘soft’ ritual focus and bespoke meditations are simultaneously expansive and grounding. Gathering in circle increases our level of oxytocin hormone and benefits the whole nervous system to bring a more restorative balance to your body, spirit and mind.

Weaving the web

I work intuitively with themes that invite a deepening and softening into the feminine form, sharing practices that support self care, self compassion and spiritual expansion. My circles let you withdraw from the business of doing and get in touch with the timeless.

The ancestral feminine

The Gynecaea refers to early Flemish meaning for Women’s Place, where women wove into all time and space, their words, healing and intentions. This circle is held within the spirit of ancestral feminine wisdom and nature intelligence embroidered into the folds of each gathering.

All are welcome regardless of religious or sexual orientation and for women of all ages and if you identify as a woman.

This 2 hour circle contains meditations, relaxation, a sharing time with herbal tea.

What to bring on the night

Please bring your own yoga mat and blanket and what ever you feel you need to be comfortable at the centre.

There will be a beautiful seasonal central alter to hold our intentions, gratitude, grief, prayers, objects, rocks, crystal and feathers, anything you wish to remember and honour.

You are welcome to bring something for the alter, such as a: flower, stone, something of gratitude, a prayer, an intention, a shell, or photograph.

How to book

Tickets are purchased directly from Central Wellness booking system and numbers are currenlty limited to a circle of 9 women.

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SOLD OUT  - Monthly Women's Circle - Grange Farm
7:30 pm19:30

SOLD OUT - Monthly Women's Circle - Grange Farm

Please note that due to Covid-19 government restrictions this event may be cancelled so please contact me before booking.

You are invited to this intimate gathering in sacred space where you can drop safely into a welcomed and held gathering with meditation, guided visualisation and circle sharing.

The evening aims to restore your body, heart and mind, as well as encourage a deeper sense of belonging to a family or tribe. Circle time is an age old tradition where women come together for personal and collective healing.

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